
Dr.-Ing. Carina Barbosa Pereira

Head of Innovation and Market Development

"Automotive Health enables the integration of health technologies directly into people's daily lives. It is exciting to work on solutions that set new standards for safety and prevention."

Curriculum Vitae

About Carina

Carina earned her Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Minho in Portugal and subsequently obtained her doctorate in Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering from RWTH Aachen.

Carina's expertise

Automotive Health

In recent years, Carina has supported clients at Docs in Clouds in the area of health and well-being in vehicles, focusing particularly on the implementation of camera-based technologies for capturing and processing various vital parameters. Carina’s doctoral research centered on image processing, with an emphasis on monitoring vital parameters. Additionally, she possesses extensive knowledge in modeling relevant physiological systems, including the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and thermoregulatory system. Recent projects:

  • Leitung eines Teams zur Entwicklung von Prototypen im Fahrzeug für die Erfassung von Vitalparametern mithilfe von Kameratechniken wie RGB, NIR und Infrarot-Thermografie sowie deren Fusion.
  • Beratung zur Berechnung und Interpretation von HRV-Parametern.
  • Gestaltung, Planung und Durchführung von Feldstudien zur Generierung relevanter Daten.
  • Entwicklung von Strategien zur Integration von Gesundheits- und Wellness-Lösungen im Fahrzeug, unter Berücksichtigung des Hype-Zyklus und des Technology Adoption Lifecycle.


Scientific Papers and Research Findings

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